Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dark Fairy Resume

• Character Role Type: Antogonist
• Name: Terra
• Race: Dark Fairy
• Age: 23
• Where are they from?
o Corrupted Woodland forest, she is the daughter of the High Dark Fairy responsible for the creation of the race.
• What makes him stand out physically
o Very pale and dark skin with large red eyes, she isnt very tall only about 5 feet, but has very large dark crow / moth type wings with armor laced into them. She has the ability to hide and show her wings at will. She is also very skinny.
• Do people like him? Does he have friends / enemies?
o Yes, she is a hero amongst the Dark Fairys and one of the most sinister and powerful. She is spearheading the war and has many enemies but fears none of them, and rightfully so, she is the one of the most powerful beings in the world... So she thinks.
• How do I want the audience to immediately respond to them?
o I want some to dislike her by the way she looks and how skinny she is, but others to really like her by her actions and pride and her design with the battle armor she is wearing. Regardless though everyone should immediately see her as an antagonist.
• What are his biggest goals?
o To obtain the powers the humans have by capturing the Pheonix Pendant and the Leviathan Shard in order to learn from them and expand the power of the Dark Fairy Race
• How does he see himself?
o She sees herself as a hero for her race, spearheading the militant conquest fueled purely by a lust for power that has been planted in her by her father from a young age.
• Other:
o She is slightly to human guys, but would never show it, or admit it or tell a soul.

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