Wednesday, June 3, 2009

King of Dunvalin Resume

• Character Role Type: Secondary Character
• Name: Race: Human of the Phoenix
• Age: 49
• Where are they from?
o From Dunvalin the of the royal human bloodline descedent of a long line of kings which have ruled the capital with the power of the Phoenix Pendant. The Pendant empowers the wearer unravelling the secrets of fire and life. The Kings responsiblity is to protect the pendant and use distribute its power throughout the Dunvalin kingdom
• What makes him stand out physically
o He is 49 years old but looks much older. The most powerful of the human race under the pheonix pendant have worked with fire so long that thier skin has become charred in places and swollen up and hardened. It looks almost lik e a hardened lava shell ontop of their skin. In addition around the shell and the places most commonly working with fire small blazen embers are distilled within the skin. At first glance these warriors do not appear human as we know it.
• Do people like him? Does he have friends / enemies?
o He is the hero and sworn protector of the Dunvalin Kingdom and yes people look up to him. But in this desolate hour in the end of a lost war to the Dark Fairys, he has no allies, only symapthisers. The Dark Fairys and Humans under the Leviathan Shard are his enemies. However, he looks to ally with the other human race in light of the defeat by the Dark Fairys.
• How do I want the audience to immediately respond to them?
o I want the audience to be intrigued by his character. He plays a supporting role as a human king, but not the typical human. Some will wonder if he is a different race entirely because of the skin he is in. He was powerful, but is no match for the leader of the Dark Fairys in 1 on 1 combat.
• What are his biggest goals?
o His biggest goal is to protect the pendant and the kingdom of Dunvalin. In order to do this he needs an ally, he looks to the Aquios Kingdom of humans under the Leviathan Shard.
• How does he see himself?
o He sees himself as responsible for protecting all the innocent citizens of Dunvalin
• Other:
o He is not married, there is no queen.

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