Saturday, May 30, 2009

Script (wip)

Act 1:
Terra storms the throne room of Dunlavin Keep. Her objective.. retrieve the kings phoenix pendant.
The king gives the pendent to his son and tells him to travel to the kingdom of Aquinos, via airship, and beg for help for their race. He shows him on the map where to go. And gives him a traveling pack.
Terra enters the throne and sees the pendent is gone and kills the king and sees the prince’s airship on the horizon and conjures a powerful weapon to knock it out of the sky.
The prince falls to the ground and the Phoenix pendent saves his life but shatters in the process…

Act 2:
The prince wakes up in the forest after dreaming Act 1. He is in a beautiful woodland forest of the woodland fairys. Here he runs into a male royal fairy who befriends him and gives him a weapon and directs him to the spirit crater at the top of the world in order to restore power to phoenix pendent before heading to Aquinos.

Act 3:
The prince reachers the spirit land and finds the alter of spirits where he can beg Spirit Creator to restore the pendant. However, there is a four legged demon spirit guarding the path to the alter which he must face in order to reach the alter. After killing the beast he reaches the alter and restores the power to the pendent and receives a Leviathan shard to present to the King of Aquinos as proof as his sincerity.

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