Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Phoenix Pendant Resume

• Character Role Type: Object / Prop
• Name: Phoenix Pendant
• Race: Gem
• Age: Old
• Where are they from?
o It was created in the beginning by the first human king in Dunvalin. He took the power given to him by the Volcano which Dunvalin resides on and captured its essence in a gem that would empower the kingdom
• What makes him stand out physically
o Its a hand sized reddish gem in the shape of a phoenix enlaced in gold
• Do people like him? Does he have friends / enemies?
o Its highly adored and its the kings full responsibility to keep it safe
• How do I want the audience to immediately respond to them?
o Initially they do not know that the pendant has an attitude of its own. A gem with a living personality however, they will soon find out.
• What are his biggest goals?
o To protect the humans of Dunvalin
• How does he see himself?
o He has no inner recolation or way to communicate it knows only preservation and is a very good judge of character
• Other:
o The pendant is able to take the form of a gem and also a various forms of a Phoenix whent he situation calls for it. It can judge intentions and seeks preservation.

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