Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Prince Resume

• Character Role Type: Protagonist
• Name: I don’t know yet
• Race: Human of the Phoenix
• Age: 19
• Where are they from?
o Kingdom of Dunvalin
• What makes him stand out physically
o Actually not a whole lot, he is an older adolescant and has had basic fire training under the king but has never witnessed before the true power of the phoenix pendant and therefore his form remains fairly human. His wrist and hands are a characoal darkish color but there are no fire deformoties or embers burnt in his skin... Yet.
• Do people like him? Does he have friends / enemies?
o For the most part, people don’t know him on a personal level. He remained most of his years in the Castle learning and studying.
• How do I want the audience to immediately respond to them?
o I want the audience to see him and be able to relate to him being his is the most human looking one. I want them to empathise with him as he sees his father the king get killed. And then is determinned to avenge him by retrieving the Phoenix Pendant
• What are his biggest goals?
o To get the pendent back for his fathers’ sake. Survival is not very important initially he is sorta of blinded by emotion
• How does he see himself?
o Just a kid who has gotten himself into some huge out of his control situation as he takes the pendant and the chase insues.
• Other:
o He knows the basics of combat but has never applied them in a real life situation before.

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