Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Treatment...WIP (Updated)

This legend begins with a world inhabited by wandering spirits. These spirits wandered aimlessly across the plains, mountains, and forests of the planet. Over time the spirits grouped together and the combined presence of their power in one location gave physical form to the spirits…

The spirits settled into three groups. One group settled deep within an enchanted wood. The other took to the fields, and the last took to the highest peak of mountains. All three groups evolved physically based upon the greater spirit in their geographic area.
The spirit of the forest transformed its followers into light footed fairys with graceful butterfly wings, long elegant ears, and dominance and respect over nature.
The Phoenix spirit of the fields transformed its group into tall and strong humans with power of health, fire, and technology.
The mountain group settled around an ancient lake high within the tallest range of mountains. Here they bonded with the Leviathan spirit which transformed its group into even taller lean humans. These humans were given complete dominance over water, and developed gills around their neck for breathing underwater and a dorsal fin on the back of their heads to direct their ability to swim at high speeds.
The Fairy Siege of Dunlavin a short glimpse into a readily brewing conflict which will soon engulf the entire world and its inhabitants into an all out battle of power and magic which will test alliances and friendships on every level.

A prince’s journey to restore power to his enslaved kingdom

Split of the Fairies:
An argument broke out in the deepest depths of the wood. What followed would set the wheels in motion for the biggest conflict the planet has ever seen…
A few of the most powerful fairy’s in the woodlands high council were envious of the humans leviathan and phoenix spirit protectors. A dispute erupted and immediately fairys throughout the wood began to take sides.
The fairys loyal to the forest and to nature argued the power given to them in the woods was sufficient enough and the humans were no threat. The other side argued that the forest was not powerful enough and were not satisfied by mere dominance over nature in the wood.
Over the course of a month the argument continued to heat and divide the high council of fairys. It was finally settled by the second in command to the Fairy Lord succeeding and taking his closest and most powerful warriors, including his teenage daughter Terra, into the southern half of the forest to live.
Here in the southern half of the wood the fairys renounced nature and used their power to abuse it and completely drain the life out of every creature and living aspect of nature. In doing so the fairys forfeited their dominance over nature and acquired a more powerful ability… the ability to conjure weapons.
These Dark fairys quickly made themselves comfortable in the forsaken wood and perfected their evil and powerful art of conjuring. Terra, the daughter of the Dark Fairy Lord quickly rose to the top of the military ranks.
And it wasn’t long before she ambushed the humans of the field in order to capture the phoenix spirits power source…

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